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Cara Mengembalikan Akun Profitclicking yang Kena Hack

Posted: 01 Oct 2012 08:41 PM PDT

Mengembalikan akun PC yang kena hack

Cara Mengembalikan Akun Profitclicking yang Kena Hack - Hack lagi hack lagi, memang di dunia maya ini penuh dengan intrik dan licik. Kali ini ane mau share mengenai cara mengembalikan akun profitclicking yang kena hack.

Langkah yang harus sobat lakukan:

1. Segera kirim ticket ke help@profitclicking.com
2. Tuliskan permasalahan sobat hingga akun profitclicking kena hack
3. Misal:


To: help@profitclicking.com
Subject: My Account Has been Hacked atau My Account was stolen, dll
please,my account has been hacked he changed my email password too..please help me to restore my password. i have an alternate email (old email emailsaya@gmail.com has been hacked) please give me my account password. my new email is emailbarusaya@gmail.com


Jika masih belum diberi balasan, segera kirim kembali ticket sobat dengan cara login di alamat ticket sobat (bisa cek di email sobat) lalu isikan kembali permohonan untuk mengembalikan akun profitclicking sobat:


the hacker uses this email zzzhacker@yahoo.com =>jika anda tahu si hacker
and LR number U190xxxx (xxxxx) it seem from india => jika anda tahu posisi hacker
for information i have got my gmail account (emaillamaanda) but if can, please change my email to emailbarusaya@yahoo.com or emailbarulagi@gmail.com
I create thus email for PC safety account cos he (hacker) was able to change my profile and he got my LR account to. Im afraid if i lose my PC account. thank you for your help.it could change my live if my account was stolen, because im sure that PC is my way to success. Thanks
please give me link to reset my password, and please send to emailbarusaya@yahoo.com or emailbarulagi@gmail.com, and i assure that all those account is mine. I can give some material to validate that acc number XXXXXX (ID PC sobat) belong to me. please help me


Biasanya setelah dikirim 2 atau 3 ticket, support akan menjawabnya. Berikut adalah jawaban dari support profitclicking:


Your account has been blocked and withdrawals will not be paid until this has been resolved.

We appreciate your assistance with this issue. The more details you can provide the better we can assist.

Please send us the following information:

1: Payment Processor reference number/Transaction Number/batch number that you used to "FIRST" fund your account. This can only be found in the payment processor account you used to first fund with and not in your JSS account. To obtain this information please log into your payment processor and copy/paste the information from there into this ticket.

2. Member ID
3. Contact email address in the system
4. The contact email address you would like to have on your account.
5. The email address you used to establish the account.
6. Do you have control of your JBP account?
7. Do you have control of your email account and payment processors?

We recommend using gmail and setting up 2-step verification.

Thank you!


Nah, segera balas ticket tersebut dengan melampirkan jawaban dari pertanyaan di atas, misal:


thank you for answering my ticket, here all of my information:

1. My LR number U5xxxxxx (LR anda) and last payment from PC at: 09/25/2012 09:37
Batch: 111xxx form U5924xxx (ProfitClicking)

my funding history
05/03/2012 03:46,93xxxxxx,SCI,U0107xxx

2. My member id XXXXXX
3. Contact email address before being hacked : emailsaya@gmail.com
4. Please reset my email to emailbarusaya@gmail.com
5. emailbarusaya@gmail.com
6. No, i cant login to JBP account (now PC)
7. Yes, i have got my email emailsaya@gmail.com and my LR account (but i'm not sure whether the hacker will change my password)

I have been set up 2 step verification to my new email address emailbarusaya@gmail.com. I am afraid if I use my old email address emailsaya@gmail.com he can stole my account again. I dont know what will be with my gmail (emailsaya@gmail.com) account when i sleep, it could be hacked again. I think some PC members have problem like me and the hacker still find some victim. thank you for your attention


Jika masih belum direspon, kembali kirim ticket dengan melampirkan bukti kuat yang lain bahwa ID XXXXXX adalah memang milik sobat


please admin reset my login for my ID XXXXXX, he (hacker) also change my name. Some my referral ask to me what was happen to my account, and i answer it that my account have been hacked T.T..please admin please restore my account and if can please reset my email address to emailbarusaya@gmail.com or if can't please reset to my email as before (emailsaya@gmail.com, because i've handle it now)
i'm waiting for your kindly answer, please

this is my personal detail:
Name: Nama Anda (if you need, i can attach my ID's or photos or anything)
DOB (masukkan tanggal lahir anda) (Indonesia)

here my another funding history to JSS account from my LR account (U5xxxxxx)

Date      Batch No          Sent to

05/15/2012 06:18 95xxxxxx U0107xxx (MF Advertising) - $21.00

05/11/2012 01:04 94xxxxxx U0107xxx (MF Advertising) - $2.00

05/08/2012 05:29 94xxxxxx U0107xxx (MF Advertising) - $8.00

05/03/2012 03:46 93xxxxxx U0107xxx (MF Advertising) - $30.00

please reset my account to my old email address :'( to emailsaya@gmail.com my login id is XXXXXX
please admin please, i cant live without PC..PC is the best online bussiness i ever join..please take my account back. im so sad about this..please admin please


Selang beberapa hari support PC akan menjawab ticket anda yang intinya akun PC sobat sudah berhasil direset dan silahkan kunjungi alamat email sobat yang baru untuk mereset password



We have changed your e-mail address to the one you requested. Please click on “Login” and use the “Forgot Password?” link to change your password and then you should be able to access your account.

Once you have again accessed your account, please inspect your profile and payment processor information and make sure it is correct.

After successfully entering your account and doing the above, please reply to this ticket and we will unblock your account so you can make withdrawals.

Thank you


Setelah mendapat email dari support PC, silahkan kirim kembali ticket untuk permohonan unblock akun PC sobat. Semoga membantu!

NB: Jangan pernah upload bukti funding sobat di PC dengan menampilkan Batch Number, karena ini bisa membahayakan akun PC sobat!

Pengalaman Akun Gmail Kena Hack

Posted: 01 Oct 2012 05:07 AM PDT

Pengalaman Akun Gmail Kena Hack - Selamat malam sobat raseco semuanya, bagaimana kabar hari ini? semoga sehat selalu ya sob :). Kali ini ane akan mencoba share pengalaman pribadi ane yaitu ketika akun gmail ane kena hack. Berikut ceritanya:

Akun Gmail kena hack!

Ane sungguh malu dengan diri ane sendiri, hingga bisa-bisanya akun gmail ane kena hack oleh orang yang tidak bertanggungjawab. Ane kena hack hanya dari sebuah website phishing! dan padahal ane sudah curiga dengan website tersebut. Awalnya ane sengaja tidak memasukkan email dan password yang benar, namun apa selanjutnya yang diminta sang hacker?

Berikut percakapan saya di FB dengan hacker, sehingga akun saya kena hack!

Silahkan Download Filenya disini, karena ane telah merekam semua pembicaraan ane dengan si pencuri. Berikut identitas si pencuri:

identitas pelaku hack gmail

Untuk pengamanan gmail sobat sebaiknya menggunakan verifikasi 2 langkah, yaitu dengan menghubungkan nomor HP yang sobat miliki.


Bukti Pembayaran Avo (Pembayaran Ketiga)

Posted: 01 Oct 2012 04:24 AM PDT

Bukti Pembayaran Avo (Pembayaran Ketiga) - Kali ini avo.net memberikan pembayarannya yang ketiga sob. Berikut SS dari LR ane:

Bukti pem ayaran avo.net
Ingin ikut bergabung sob? silahkan join dengan klik disini atau lewat banner di bawah ini :

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